Thursday, May 24, 2007

Special Traits and lessons 1

8.4. FOUR

Average. If you have at least one 4 in your name, your ability to concentrate and apply yourself to a task will allow you to get along well in the world much of the time. The number 4 gives us common sense and the desire to build or develop things. The number 4 needs order and structure.

No 4s or less than average. If there is no 4 in your name, you will not likely be famous for your common sense and focus on mundane tasks. This trait will be well hidden if you have the number 4 as one of the core numbers, but if this is not the case, you may be a very unstructured and disorganized person. The concept of steady building and developing will be something that you must learn the hard way.

Many 4s. If you have more than the average of one 4 in your name, your ability to engage yourself in concrete plans will be a strong trait. You know the value of things and have the willingness to work toward long range goals. You understand details and respect law and order. You may tend to become too rigid and narrow in your thinking.

8.5. FIVE

Average. If you have the average of four 5s in your name, you enjoy the human trait of having change and variety in your life, at least to a normal degree. You get along well in day-to-day public contact with the world, and adjust to meeting new people, travel, progress, and all of the changes that are part of living.

No 5s or less than average. It is very unusual to have no 5s in a name. If you if you have less than the average number of 5s, you may have a varying degree of difficulty meeting and dealing with people. You will not feel at ease in a crowd, and indeed, you will want to be left alone much of the time. A limitation of 5s makes it hard to face changes. Hopefully, this number will appear in your core so that this absence will merely be viewed as introspection.

Many 5s. With 5 or more 5s, you may have a very restless nature needing much stimulation. It may be hard to apply yourself to any one project because you tend to get too many things going on at the same time. If this number becomes too heavy in a name, there is a lessening of attention to detail and less respect for law and order. Properly channeled, this excess of 5s aids salesmanship and promotion.


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