Thursday, May 24, 2007


Modern numerologists believe that there is no scientific or mathematical evidence to show that numbers exhibit these properties. Numbers one to nine are used in present-day numerology to determine character analysis and predict upcoming trends. Other numbers are thought to carry vibrational influences which must also be taken into consideration, as must also the connection of astrology, numbers, and locational addresses.

12.1. ONE

One is the first number used when counting and therefore it is considered to have great power; without it there would be no numbering system as we know it. Every numerical system we are aware of has had one as its initial starting point. As one is common to all numbers, it is often seen as the origin of all things and represents perfection, absolute, and deity in monotheistic faiths. One can be happy, loving, romantic, dynamic and charismatic, but on the downside it can be egotistical, selfish and melodramatic.

12.2. TWO

Two can have many different meanings, representing partnerships and interaction with others on one hand, and disunion and polarities on the other. In symbolizing partnership, two implies that individual achievements are not realistic because accomplishments are best realized through co-operation and teamwork. While duality is required for the formation of life in sexually reproducing species, it is also seen negatively when contrasted with the perfect, unified number one. Two represents polarities such as good and evil, black and white, male and female, left and right.
One pole cannot exist without the other; this idea of complementary relationships is best symbolized with the Yin-Yang symbol. Polarity, though, can also create strife and discord. Two may be considered feminine, intuitive, and corresponds with our protective instincts. Negatively, two can be grasping, overprotective and cranky. The cranky aspect of the number two is derived from the disappointment and dissatisfaction of the human spirit when denied first place in anything.

12.3. THREE

Three solves the discord created in the polarity of two, resulting in a new integration and wholeness. This can be seen in the divisions of a human: mind, body, and spirit makes us whole. Three can also relate to expansiveness and learning through life experiences. It is considered to be lucky, and is often associated with money and good fortune. Three can depict several people joining together to achieve a common goal, whether through a social or professional affiliation. Three also represents communication of all kinds, expression, drama, acting, and humor.
Although three possesses attributes of wisdom, understanding and knowledge, negatively it can exhibit pessimism, foolhardiness and unnecessary risk taking. Three is seen as a very magical number. In some cases the number three can take on some negative aspects and is seen as demonic or unnatural, as there are no creatures in our world who walk upon three legs.

12.4. FOUR

Four derives its significance from various sources. It is the first "composite" number; that is to say, the first number that can be created from multiplying numbers other than itself and 1, in that 2x2 = 4. The simplest solid object — a tetrahedron — has four sides; hence four denotes solid matter in general and the Earth in particular, as the Earth is a solid object bounded by four cardinal points (North, South, East and West).
Time is another concept strongly associated with four, on the grounds that the year has four seasons and the month has (roughly) four weeks; Christian-oriented observers also note that the life story of Jesus is told in four gospels, each of which is in turn linked to one of the .four classical "elements" of fire, air, earth, and water.
The association with Earth means that four symbolizes being practical and "down-to-earth," while the fact that four is the first composite number is linked to the idea of an other-directed, "composite personality" that takes cues from different and often conflicting sources, leading to fiercely independent, "out-of-the-box" thinking.

12.5. FIVE

Five is connected to sensual awareness in the form of the five senses as well as protection. It is also a number which represents service to others. It is highly analytical and has the ability to think critically, but can over-ponder an issue to the point that its significance is no longer relevant. This number governs our ability to think clearly and our intellectual capacity7. Five represents openness to new experiences as well as new ideas. Seeking freedom, it is often the adventurer. Five is about pushing life to its limits. It is a multifaceted number with links to our state of physical and mental health.


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