Thursday, May 24, 2007

Special Traits and lessons 2

8.6. SIX

Average 6. The average of two 6s produces normal instincts to protect and cultivate those close to us and even in the larger community. The traits inherent to 6 yield caretakers, teachers, caring parents, and responsible citizens. The number 6 stands for responsibility and nurturing.

No 6 or less than average. With just one 6 or with a name not containing a 6, your sense of duty to those around you is not strong. Indeed, the sense of obligation to fix the world is not strong in many of us. In daily living, the absence of 6s suggests a certain detachment, and problems large and small are handled without becoming very emotional or concerned. Parenting is often too loose and less than demanding.

Many 6s. A more than average number of 6s in the name produces strongly possessed beliefs and emotions. Ideals are strongly held and seldom surrendered. Your humanitarian spirit and sense of generosity may be outstanding traits in your nature. But your leadership and parenting may be too strict and unyielding sometimes. Loyalty is often considering an absolute necessity. Traditions are strong.

8.7. SEVEN

Average 7. The average of one 7 gives the abilities to analyze, investigate, and learn easily. You have a questioning mind which stimulates reading, study, observation and development of the mind. You have the ability to question and discriminate constructively.

No 7s. The qualities of the 7 are missing in many names making the mysteries of life more difficult to understand and grasp. Without a 7 in your name, you may be less cautious, less analytic, and perhaps not the top of the class when it comes to study. You are less apt to be overly skeptical and demanding of those around you.

Many 7s. If you are that rare individual who has many 7s in your name, it may be said that you "dance to a different drummer/7 Your mind is highly scientific and proof oriented. You take nothing on faith. Many of your ideas will be considered odd and out of step with most of the world around you. Emotions are very controlled.

8.8. EIGHT

Average 8. If you have the average of at least one 8, you are generally businesslike and self-sufficient in your affairs. You have average abilities to lead, direct and control others if you choose to develop these traits. With an 8 in your name, you can weigh and balance. Business, management, supervising people, and managing money are traits shown by the number 8.

No 8s. Without an 8 in your name it will be more difficult to manage and direct even your own personal affairs. Power, wealth, and leadership roles in life may not be your primary goal. Yet you are apt to suffer less stress because of your attitudes about these issues.

Many 8s. With 2 or more 8s you may have an intensity in your nature that drives toward power and control of others. You have a strong drive to accomplish, work, guide and command. Life may hold many tests and be frustrating at times, but the rewards can be high. Be aware of the stress in your life.

8.9. NINE

Average 9. With the average three 9s (or perhaps with only 2) in your name, you have the sense of compassion, goodwill, and tolerance for your fellow man that is necessary to live in our complicated world. The number 9 is associated with mankind and brotherhood. It produces our willingness to accept different races, colors, religions, and beliefs, and life comfortably in our environment. There is a spiritual understanding and acceptance that is normal and healthy.

No 9 or only one 9 in your name. The lack of 9s in the name, though rare, makes it hard to understand and accept others that are different. There is little feeling of universal or spiritual connection. ,

Many 9s. With many 9s in your name you may be overly sensitive to the world and become an idealist in some aspect of society. You may be generous to a fault. You may take such issues as religion or philosophy to an extreme.

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